
“Homebound” is a fic-centric anthology fanzine featuring written pieces and artwork that focus on the stages of Bakugou and Todoroki’s life together. The zine will be split into four sections: present/UA, pro hero, marriage, and AU.This zine is fully SFW—both BKTD and TDBK dynamics will be included. Each writer will be paired with an artist who will create artwork that accompanies the fic.


What is a zine?
A zine, short for fanzine, is a compilation of artwork and written works made by fans. They’re similar to a collaborative artbook or anthology.
Will other characters and/or ships be featured?
Other characters are welcome, but since the main focus of this zine is on Bakugou and Todoroki’s relationship, other explicit ships will not be allowed.
Will the student, pro hero, and marriage sections be canon only?
Yes, the first three sections of the zine will be set in the canon BNHA universe! The last section will be reserved for any AU content.
Who is allowed to apply?
Anyone aged 16 and above by April 1st, 2022 will be able to participate in the zine. Contributors under the age of 18 should have the approval of a guardian and can be paid through a guardian's PayPal.
Do I need to have zine experience to apply?
No experience is needed to apply! The mods are happy to welcome those new to zines, and have plenty of experience to help contributors in every step of the process.
Can I apply for more than one position?
Yes, though you will only be selected for one position.
Will I get an email even if I’m rejected?
Yes, result emails will be sent to all applicants regardless of if they are accepted or rejected.


  • SFW, PG-13

  • ~120 pages

  • 6x9in

  • Full color

  • Physical and digital

  • 6 writers, 6 page artists, 1 cover artist, 4 merch artists


All contributors will receive a digital copy of the zine at minimum. Depending on preorders, we aim to provide all contributors with a full bundle of the zine inclusive of the zine itself, all available merch items, all stretch goals, and shipping costs.Preorder funds will mainly go towards production of the zine and merch. The remaining funds will be distributed among the mods and all contributors evenly.


Social Media, Organization, Communications
Nat @blxeberrytree - Experience
Social Media, Formatting, Writing
Thais @clowreedsfault - Experience
Finance, Production
Charlie @charlsteas - Experience
Lucy @cmykae - Experience
Astrid @mangatamyg - Experience


Interest CheckJan 22 - Feb 12
Contributor AppsFeb 22 - Apr 4
Application ResultsApr 9
Response DeadlineApr 12
Concept CheckApr 20
Check-in 1May 20
Check-in 2Jun 20
Final SubmissionJul 20
PreordersAug 20 - Sep 20
ProductionOct - Dec

Writer Contribution Guidelines

Writers are expected to write 1 fic within their specified section and word count range that focuses on the relationship between Bakugou and Todoroki.On the application, writers will be able to select their preferred word count range to write in. A specified number of writers will write in each section. The word count brackets are:
+ 1k-2k — 2 writers
+ 2k-3k — 2 writers
+ 3k-4k — 2 writers
On the application, writers will also be able to indicate which sections they would like to write for. There will be one to two writers per section. The sections are:
+ UA
+ Pro hero
+ Marriage
+ AU

Artist Contribution Guidelines

All artists will work with a writer to illustrate their fic. Artists will be able to choose between creating spot art* or page art, and will be paired with writers depending on what section (UA, pro hero, marriage, or AU) they indicate interest in on the application.*Spot art are small illustrations intended to highlight specific scenes or objects in a fic. They may or may not have a background.

Merch Artist Contribution Guidelines

Each merch artist will create 2-3 pieces of merch depending on which pieces they indicate interest in on the application. The merch options are:
+ 1 print
+ 1 bookmark
+ 3 die-cut stickers
+ 2 acrylic charms
+ 1 enamel pin

General Application Guidelines

  • 3 SFW samples of your best work — any NSFW samples will result in an immediate disqualification.

  • NSFW works in your portfolio must be locked or in a separate folder from the main portfolio. Any unfiltered NSFW in your portfolio will result in an immediate disqualification.

  • All applicants must be over 16 years old by April 1st.

  • Applicants may apply for multiple roles, but will only be accepted for one.

  • Please make sure all files are easily accessible. For Google Drive folders, make sure that permissions are set to "Anyone with the link". (Tip: Try accessing your files in an incognito browser to check if they’re accessible!)

  • Failure to adhere to any of the stated guidelines may result in a disqualification of your application.

Writer Application Requirements

  • Portfolio with 5-8 pieces. Samples can be included in your portfolio.

  • Minimum of 1 pitch per section.

  • 1 sample must be completed.

  • 1 sample must feature Bakugou and Todoroki — It’s preferred but not required that they are in a romantic relationship.

  • Maximum of 10k words across all three samples — Providing samples within the zine’s word count ranges will help the mods better gauge your abilities.

  • Writers will be judged on flow, pacing, characterization, grammar, and their ability to tell a complete and engaging story within a word count.

Artist Application Requirements

  • Portfolio with 5-10 pieces. Samples can be included in your portfolio.

  • Optional spot art sample

  • 1 BNHA sample is required.

  • Pieces with Bakugou and Todoroki are preferred but not required.

  • 1 sample with a full background is required (no gradient/solid color backgrounds, vectors, or graphic design elements).

  • Artists will be judged on anatomy, composition, color usage, lighting, and grasp on personal style.

Merch Artist Application Requirements

  • Portfolio with 5-10 pieces. Samples can be included in your portfolio.

  • Merch art samples are preferred but not required.

  • Physical merch samples are not required.

  • 1 BNHA sample is required.

  • Pieces with Bakugou and Todoroki are preferred but not required.

  • Merch artists will be judged on composition, color usage, and grasp on personal style.